Boston's Somos just released the catchiest album of 2014 so far.

Written by Patrick McNamara
"Temple of Plenty" by Boston's Somos is one of my very favorite albums of 2014 so far. I've listened to it countless times. Countless more coming. Quote it. Book it. Wrap it up in a bow.
This is one perfectly pleasant emo pop punk band to listen to. I’ll tell you that much, friend. Oh, don’t worry. I’ll tell you some more. Because I don’t have anything else happening in my life. And this short time we have together is all I got. You're my only friend. #emo
Somos is a band of four dudes from Boston (Michael has a very nice voice and also plays bass. Phil plays the guitar like a champion. Justin does beautiful work with that instrument too. Evan drums like he knows what he’s doing because he does). Together, they make ultra-melodic 2-3-4 minute songs that will make you feel better about things.
Blast Somos and sing along and watch as your cares crumble away to be picked up off the floor on another day. At least that’s what happened to me as I played this band’s excellent new record, “Temple of Plenty,” on repeat. I was worried about something before that thing started streaming. But dammit if I don’t remember what it was. Oh well. I'm sure it will remind me. But not today. Not.... today.
Here. I’ll post “Temple of Plenty” and now I want YOU to try it. Blast it. Then repeat. Blast. Repeat. Then when you've mostly got a handle on the lyrics (just wing the words you don't know - that's what I do) and you're finally ready to sing along, do so. Sing loud and strong for all your neighbors and confused co-workers to hear! See if your day doesn’t become a little bit brighter. I bet it does. Unless you don’t like pop emo punk, of course. If not, you’ve got other things to worry about. Like being a monster in a world full of caring human beings.
One final and important note. Please remember that only monsters ONLY listen to good albums digitally. If you’re a caring human being (and you are, dear Rockness reader - you are) be sure to get “Temple of Plenty” on vinyl from the Tiny Engines - a very fine record label home to such very fine bands as The Hotelier + Cayetana + Save Ends + more musical goodness.
Great talk, guys. I love this time together. So what else is going on?