Hop Along: dramatic emo pop for alt and punks and those who love them.
Written by Patrick McNamara
Hop Along are a good band from Philadelphia. They make punk pop that’s not pop punk. It’s epic and cathartic and tortured and just a really good goddamn listen. So listen to them, will ya? But not yet. I’ve still got a few more words to say to you about Hop Along. So take your coat off and settle in for a second.
This trio is a lady (that’s Frances Quinlan on vocals and guitar!) and two gentlemen (over there is Tyler Long on bass! and that’s Mark Quinlan on drums! and yep they are siblings! Frances and Mark, that is! Not Mark and Tyler! reign it in now! things are getting confusing!) and they make songs about trouble and lament and Tibetan pop stars. At least that’s what the titles to some of their songs suggest off their excellent album, “Get Disowned.” I don’t really do that whole “listen to the singer” and then “critically interpret” the “words” they are “saying.” I just write down pieces of song titles and pretend it's original analysis. Just kidding! I know exactly what that album is about. It's about love, man.
Now, I don’t like to use the word “awesome” unless I really mean it (i almost always reserve the term for sunsets and chicken pad thai). But I have to tell you something right quick. Frances Quinlan’s voice is AWESOME. (and I hardly EVER make use of the CAPS LOCK so you know things just got Triple Dog Dare). Her vocals sound perfectly pleasant sometimes. That's where the pop comes in. And at other times, she sings like pitch perfect sandpaper. That’s where the punk comes in. It's too good.
(Mark Quinlan and Tyler Long are very nice players too. I got you, Mark and Tyler. I got you.)
I’m going to do something really kind, dear Rockness reader. I’m going to find Hop Along’s album somewhere on the internet and then I’m going post it here for you. Hold on.
OK. Back. Whew. I saw some things on the tubes, man. Here’s the album. Listen to it right..... NOW.
(gosh I’m so happy you’ll be so happy soon!)