Doveman would be a really lame superhero...good thing it's a band. - Oh My Rockness

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Doveman would be a really lame superhero...good thing it's a band.

October 18, 2006
Doveman (Thomas Bartlett and his band) play laidback tragic-pop in the vein of Nick Drake (Bartlett's voice sounds a LOT like Drake) and maybe a little Iron and Wine, too. With guitars, banjos, organs, horns, pianos and a Wurlitzer, all never played above a hush, this is sad music that also soothes. Call it cathartic, rather than just plain depressing.

Members of Doveman have played in Saturday Looks Good To Me, the underrated Flashpapr, Stars like Fleas, and Elysian Fields, to name but a few. This is probably a good soundtrack to get wasted to by yourself. Actually that may take a turn for the very bad, so don't do that. Listen to Doveman responsibly.

Doveman plays Hideout, Monday, October 23rd and at Schubas on Tuesday, October 24th.


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