California's Cold War Kids attempt to weather the storm. - Oh My Rockness

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California's Cold War Kids attempt to weather the storm.

October 18, 2006
Sometimes, I feel bad for bands like Cold War Kids. Yeah, I know what you're thinking: ridiculous hype, sold-out shows across the country, and more first week sales of their debut album than most new bands will ever have. Cry me a goddamn river, you might reply. And this completely understandable and common reaction is partly why I feel a little sorry for these Southern California gentlemen. The backlash against them is inevitable.

The bashing of their band may be a result of simple jealousy (I certainly wouldn't mind being a rock star), or the negative response may be more of a critical take on the state of this whole new musical age of online buzz we're living in. We want bands that are Next! Newer! Faster! (Yet here Oh My Rockness is, writing about Cold War Kids... ah, the hypocritical comedy of it all.) Cold War Kids have a whole lot of lovers out there. But the haters are ready for them just the same too.

How does a band continue to make good music with such a battle of good vs. evil going on around them? It ain't easy. Will the storm get to them? Are the Cold War Kids' fifteen minutes of fame almost up, or do they have fifteen albums left in their arsenal? Who knows? But one thing is certain, and Max Fischer said it best, "Sic Transit Gloria. Glory fades."

Oh by the way, here's what Cold War Kids sound like (but who cares about that, right?): The Walkmen meets Two Gallants meets Jeff Buckley meets Bob Dylan. Swooping and sliding pop songs, featuring a singer with a very distinctive soulful tenor. And you know what, they're pretty good too. Otherwise, they wouldn't be the Recommended Show.

Ok, now who else do we got? Next! Newer! Faster!

Cold War Kids play Hideout, on Friday, October 21st.


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