Islands are not your average Unicorn. - Oh My Rockness

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Islands are not your average Unicorn.

May 10, 2006
Montreal's Islands are a seven-piece band founded by ex-Unicorns (who tie the Test Icicles for the title of "shortest lived buzz band ever.") frontman Nick Diamonds and drummer J'aime Tambeur. However, Islands are EXTREMELY different from the Unicorns. Instead of singing about horses, they now sing about swans. Such sarcasm!

Actually, they sound very similar, and if anything, Islands are even more accessible than the Unicorns eccentric (at times "annoying") pop. Think more emphasis on horns and strings than synths. The same sense of humor is definitely still there, as the profoundly poignant song title, "Don't Call Me Whitney, Bobby" attests.

I've never been a huge Unicorns man, but if you liked them, you'll most likely like Islands. They're a little more straightforward and the sound is a little "bigger," but essentially Islands sounds like a new Unicorns album meets The Beatles when they were fucking around.

Islands play The Metro, on Wednesday, May 17th


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