Abdecaf: I like these beats. - Oh My Rockness

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Abdecaf: I like these beats.

August 20, 2012
Ben Guzman
I love when a guy comes out of nowhere to fill up your streaming radio player with the sweet sounds of undiscovered goodness. I had never heard of AbdeCaf (real name Steve Vayneshtok) until just yesterday. But I've been doing a lot of listening and semi-researching in the last 24 hours.

So to start, here's what I know from my exhaustive semi-research: AbdeCaf is a 20-year-old producer from Miami. He makes instrumental beat jams primarily using his laptop and Yamaha CS1x. Tah-dah! I should be a human search engine; you know what I'm saying?

Ok, now here's what my ears tell me: this is chill-sweetness and is similar in sound to what (the super solid) Clams Casino is doing. AbdeCaf might go even more laid-back and slightly darker than CC, but you definitely can hear the influence.

To that point, AbdeCaf also lists as an influence Com Truise (he's also shared the stage with that guy; I would definitely go to that show), Balam Acab (for sure), James Blake and SBTRKT. Sounds good to me, man.

Oh yeah, almost forgot to tell you. AbdeCaf recently released his debut EP for FREE. I love when they do that. You can listen to the EP in question below. And you should. Because it's really good. This guy is flying pretty well under the radar at this moment, but with jams like these, that's not going to last long. I'd bet on AbdeCaf now.

Unravel EP by AbdeCaf

Abdecaf plays House of Blues, on Friday, August 31st.


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