California Wives: superbly crafted lo-fi pop. - Oh My Rockness

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California Wives: superbly crafted lo-fi pop.

July 18, 2011
See, we were going to start this with a joke about how California Wives are neither from California nor are they married women, but then we thought we would be one of a thousand (fake) music writers to do that. So we decided instead to write about how we weren't going to write about it. A perfect compromise.

Anyway, let's move on. California Wives are a super catchy guitar/synth pop band from Chicago that anyone who loves optimistic jingle-jangle melodies, with just the right amount of synths, should fall in lust with.

Some other band comparisons thrown out for these four guys have been My Bloody Valentine (lite) and Phoenix and New Order and The Cure. But I'm hearing more Beach Fossils (especially Beach Fossils' excellent What a Pleasure EP... but this isn't a Beach Fossils profile) and maybe that band Kisses.

If you like warm pop that makes you happy to still be around, you should check out California Wives. They will offend no ears.

California Wives play Wicker Park Summerfest, on Saturday, July 23rd.


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