Mi Ami goes to Black Eyes terriritory and beyond. - Oh My Rockness

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Mi Ami goes to Black Eyes terriritory and beyond.

April 5, 2010
Mi Ami's beautiful art-noise-experimental-heavy-punk (whatever that means... just made it up) was the talk of SXSW 2009. Well, the people we talk to, but we only know like 2 dudes. But they're good dudes.

Anyway, this fiery trio from San Francisco features two members of the late, great D.C. Dischord band, Black Eyes (Daniel Martin-McCormick on vocals/guitar, Jacob Long on bass). Did you ever like Black Eyes? I liked them, but kind of always wondered why they were always screaming at me. I didn't do anything but buy your record, dudes! I really shouldn't take things so personally perhaps.

Mi Ami makes the most of its three members with a noise blitz of awesome disco drum beats (they're all about percussion, actually), crazy guitar distortions (they squeal and slide and go towards far off tribal territories) and plenty of vocal spazz (think lots of high loud yelps). This is for fans of Black Eyes (obviously), perhaps Ponytail, their current touring partner HEALTH of course, and well... you get it.

Mi Ami play The Hideout, on Friday, April 9th.


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