Band We Like: Caracara - Oh My Rockness

Band We Like

Band We Like: Caracara

Please note: this band rules.

November 12, 2017

Written by Patrick McNamara

Caracara is a quiet/loud/quiet band from Philadelphia.

Here's what you need to know: they're good.

The four members (Carlos! George! Sean! William!) make sprawling, dramatic indie rock.

But you can just call it emo if you want.

(Think Pinegrove meets Explosions in the Sky meets Sorority Noise maybe.*)

Blast the band's debut album Summer Megalith (via Flower Girl Records).

Make sure to listen to it a bunch of times (at least seven times). It's a real grower.

RIYL: Guitars and Horns and Strings and Swirling Things!

*or think of three other popular bands if you want -- I'm just trying to help you along on your musical journey towards good band discovery


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