Criteria play Beat Kitchen. - Oh My Rockness

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Criteria play Beat Kitchen.

September 8, 2005
Criteria's Stephen Pedersen (ex-Cursive, The White Octave) is the SHIT. Not only did he sing and play all the instruments on one of the most exhilaratingly anthemic albums of 2003 (En Garde) but he also very recently left his high profile (and high paying) law job to sign with Saddle Creek, get a crew together (including members of Bright Eyes) and become a full-time touring indie rocker. To give up thousands in salary, and disregard the thousands in educational debt you already owe, takes a passion and commitment I envy. And it's a wise investment on Pederson's part.

If you haven't heard Criteria, you have missed out on many months of fist pumping and air guitar playing. They're just that kind of band. Think an even catchier version of Quicksand. Instantly likeable and completely contagious, this band has only one directive: to rock you way the fuck out. Awesome.

Criteria play Beat Kitchen, Monday, September 12th.


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