((Turnover)) Band Profile and Upcoming Chicago Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Written by Patrick McNamara
Virginia Beach's Turnover are four dudes (Casey + Danny + Eric + Austin) who have (somewhat quietly) been slinging the underrated emo pop hits for a bit now. But the band appears to have bent the genre box because they're now veering away from such emotive, instantly accessible riffs and nudging their melodies (still super accessible) towards easy, breezy, 100% chill territory. I'm blasting them right now (truth) and this listener is left feeling mighty content in the Land of Ahhh. You can come hang here too. There's plenty of room.
If you're not familiar with these guys, you can mine Turnover's past all you want on the World Wide Intrasphere (they've released a couple of EPs and one full-length, if we're agreeing to decide that eight songs = a full-length, and I think we are). But I suggest you begin your Turnover listening experience with their present and work your way backwards because the songs I've heard from their upcoming new album, “Peripheral Vision," are DOPE. That's D-O-P-E and yes, Virginia Beach, there is hope in it. Sometimes.
Speaking of that new album, it comes out May 5th in the Year That I'm Writing This on Run For Cover (a fine label home to the following fine bands that I have also written kind words about: CSTVT + Elvis Depressedly + Modern Baseball + Pity Sex + Whirr + probably some more but I'd have to go back and check... and there are no rearview mirrors here at Rockness HQ... why do you think I never update my band profiles after I write them). You should probably pre-order it or something because it's going to be a smash. And I should probably mind my own business.
Below are two new Turnover songs that I have conveniently sourced for you via the World Wide Intrasphere. Please note: they will no longer be new to anyone who happens to be reading this in the Year After I'm Writing This. Are they easy? Are they breezy? Are they 100% chill. You tell me, dear Rockness reader because I already told you.
File Under: a good band
RIYL: good songs