BAND WE LIKE: SLUGWATER ((post hardcore))
((The Beths)) Band Profile and Upcoming Chicago Concerts - Oh My Rockness
The Beths
Written by Patrick McNamara
The Beths are a real good lo-fi power pop crew from Auckland, New Zealand.*
Listen to this band and you will never be in a bad mood again -- so help me blob.
Thanks to my herculean efforts copying / pasting / posting it for you below, you can blast their dope album Future Me Hates Me (via Carpark) whenever you're ready for a happier time.
Welcome to the (jubilant) jangle!
*just 8,936.69 miles away from Brooklyn in current traffic
The Players:
Elizabeth Stokes (guitars / vocals / songwriter)
Jonathan Pearce (guitars)
Benjamin Sinclair (bass)
Ivan Luketina-Johnston (drums)Published October 1, 2018